Tuesday, May 15, 2001

These are our ministry team goals suggested by the working groups at last November's Program Planning Retreat; we closed by intending to review the status and relevance of these goals by June at this board meeting for revisiting and perhaps reframing.
~ - in progress; * - done; > - for later in this year

Worship -- John D. Slater, advising elder
1. Family door greeters; More involvement in worship ~
2. Fewer announcements
3. Sunday afternoon sing-a-long/open house, perhaps to dedicate
4. Getting a new organ *

Stewardship -- Ila Mason, advising elder
1. Ask people more directly to give & serve */~
2. Spir. Gift inventory in worship *
3. "pledges" of time & effort; compare goals & gifts to budget priorities
4. Contact CCF/other gp. To look at Memorial Fund, policies
5. Prioritize expansion of the sanctuary

Missions & Benevolences -- Cheryl Maslowski, advising elder
1. Find different approaches to inform the congregation of the many current missions, and
2. Try an e-mail reminder system for special offerings ~
3. Take on a new mission project: "adopt-a-child"; Hebron UMC Heifer Project, school supplies for Hebron, Palestine…

Christian Education -- Martha Cable, advising elder
1. VBS: look at intergenerational teaching/learning approaches ~
2. Have input meetings (quarterly?) during assembly time */~
3. Harvest Party next Fall >
4. Use Family Life Center/604 W. Main for comm. ministry: afterschool, latchkey, or child care ~
5. Create program/retreat/support group for women who have lost a spouse [n.b. Health Fair]

Evangelism -- Mike Halter, advising elder
1. Develop a distinctive flyer, suitable for mass mailing purposes
2. Use advertising -- Advocate special section, GBLCC booklet [banners at Evans!] *
3. Do a Pictorial Directory *
4. Hold an Open House around a themed event [organ dedication/recital, sing-a-long, etc.]

Vision 2020 is working on a comprehensive timeline of goals with the Trustees, which began with the professional inspection of the 610 & 612 W. Main properties, and will continue with planning based on anticipated growth in both worship attendance and community outreach. I.e.; by 2010, we anticipate combined worship attendance to triple -- 324 -- and small group ministries to triple with that -- from 12 non-committee groups/classes per week/month to 36 groups/classes.

So, any feedback? The board received this update May 14, the elders will June 2, and we will restate our goals through the year at the next board meeting June 10th.