Thursday, December 13, 2012

Faith Works 12-15

Faith Works 12-15-12

Jeff Gill


Spicing up our Advent preparations



You may know the Christmas carol that begins "Angels from the realms of glory."


It has a later verse which begins "Sages, leave your contemplations, 
brighter visions beam afar:
 seek the great Desire of Nations; 
ye have seen his natal star."


When I was very young and low to the pew backs, with plenty of time to doodle on the margins of the bulletins and contemplate the mysteries of hymn lyrics, that line puzzled me.


"Sages, leave your contemplations…"


The word jumped out at me: my mom had a rack of spices, green capped ampules filled with various herbs and seasonings, hanging next to the stove. They were older than I was, and some were near to gone (oregano) and others still full and seemingly untouched (cumin). Others were, over the years, knocked off the counter and broken, to be replaced by off-band small bottles that fit the rack (celery seed).


It was the kitchen equivalent of the Crayola 64 colors box, with the many and mysterious names to read and marvel at: cornflower blue, burnt sienna, forest green.


The spice rack included a foretaste of folk music to come: parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Sage was there, in a sans serif type I can still see in my mind's eye. Just one word, four letters, a regularly if not frequently used spice (unlike chili powder or white pepper).




So in this Christmas carol, a flavor is being invoked, my youthful mind reflected. Sages, more than one type of sage, or perhaps multiple containers of the same, should stop with their, um, contemplations? Then the lyric went on into vision and seeking and seeing. I didn't know what a sage was, even though I had some sage at home in the kitchen.


Truth be told there's much about any Christmas, traditionally observed or spontaneously put together, that we enjoy more than we understand. Even when we purport to get it, we're probably missing something, like when the family we married into does the gift exchange, and someone opens up a wrapped . . . pineapple, and everyone laughs uproariously. Uh, yeah, funny. Five minutes later, they're still laughing, and you're acutely aware that you are laughing, too, and have no idea why (and make a note to ask your spouse later "what's the gag with the pineapple?").


Later that night, you ask about the family tradition about the gag gift. "What gag gift?" "You know, the one about the pineapple." "Oh, well, that's Uncle Ted." "Right, I see, Uncle Ted – but what's the joke?"


They can't tell you. It's been so long, and the joke is . . . look, it's just funny, okay?


So it is for some who stumble, perhaps drug by their family, into a worship service where we give thanks for a homeless couple, a baby with uncertain paternity, visits from seasonal migrant workers who claim to have had a hallucinogenic experience out in fields by night ("I'll bet they have" thinks the Christmas Eve guest), and then run into foreign dignitaries who are into astrology on their way out of a cave heading out of town.


And from all this, you get good news from God for all the earth?


Sometimes, we end up doing the religious version of "look, it's just funny, okay?" to people. We get it, or think we get it, because we're used to it. But in fact the oddity of the whole Christmas story, when taken seriously as a narrative, is itself part of the point. God's love doesn't work according to Robert's Rules of Order, or by resolution of the United Nations General Assembly. This kind of love shows up on the margins first, and is told to us by those least likely to have made it up, whatever you think they were up to out in those cold and windy fields.


The carol continues, from those sages leaving their spice racks and recipes and contemplations, singing with us, telling us to "Come and worship, come and worship, worship Christ, the new-born king."


Do we know what that really means? Probably not, but we can start to understand by pulling up a chair, asking some questions, and singing along when the conversations reach a puzzled end. Sometimes, the answer is right there in the song if you give it a few more verses.


Jeff Gill is a writer, storyteller, and pastor in central Ohio; tell him your Christmas spice favorites at or follow @Knapsack on Twitter.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

front page graphic - Newark Christian 12-12-12

Apparently, the graphic from the front page didn't come thru -- I'm still learning the opportunities and challenges of this stuff! pax, jbg

Newark Christian - Dec. 12, 2012

[Editor's note -- this is issue two going out electronically the same day as the print version hits the mail system; please send to any additional e-mails that you believe should get this! Ironically, I just got mine from last week in the mail today . . .]

The Newark Christian

  Serving God's Transformation of Licking County


Vol. LXXIII                          December 12, 2012                                    No. 38


Christmas Blessings

On Christmas Eve the Crothers and Schmitt families will again sponsor our meals to the community.  We cook, box and deliver meals to those in our community who may be in need of a hot meal on Christmas Eve (meals on wheels does not deliver on that day).  Most of our meals go to the Senior citizen apartment buildings.  Last year we were honored to fix 700+ meals.  We expect our numbers to be higher this year.  We need help in delivering the meals.  It doesn't take long, the routes are very well spelled out and normally you will be taking several meals to one location.  Anyone is invited to help; being able to drive and take along a helper is a bonus.  If interested in helping, please be at the Fellowship Hall between 11 and 11:15 am on Monday, December 24.  We will leave with meals by 11:30 am.  If you have questions please call:  Judy Schmitt (403-1754) or Steve Crothers (438-4777) Blessings to all this Christmas season! God Is Good, All the time! Judy Schmitt


Have you been counting your blessings?

We are all so blessed. If you've been following along on the "Count Your Blessings in November" calendar you should have a jar full of change by now. Please bring any money you've accumulated to the church now. Thank you again for supporting the Mission Team!


Youth All Ice Skate Night

On Sunday, January 6, all youth ages 5 and up should meet at the church from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. We will be going to the Lou & Gib Reese Ice Rink. Please dress for the weather and bring $5.00 and money for the refreshment stand. Parents and friends are welcome to attend.

Samantha Frizzell (call office for number)


2013 Diaconate

Please plan on staying for a meeting right after church on Sunday, January 6. Thanks!


Can you help?

Volunteers are needed to help keep the Church cleaned and in good condition until we are able to hire a new custodian. There is a sign-up sheet on the Welcome Center for anyone willing to help out.


Dear Church Family,

We just want to thank you all for your prayers, cards, meals and concerns. Bob's surgery went well. The Physical Therapy has started. During the first P.T. visit the therapist said the walker was temporary and to have a cane handy. He said to beg or borrow one if need be because we won't need it long. We told him our church has a Medical Loan Closet. He asked if that was Central Christian and then he said "Those people are great, we use them a lot for our patients". We said "Yes, we know!" Thank you! Love and Prayers back to you, Bob & Claudia


Altar Flower Chart

The 2013 altar flower chart is now on the Welcome Center. Please select a Sunday to acknowledge a person(s) or an event (in memory or in honor of).  There are envelopes with the chart so you can easily make a donation of $24.00 for these flowers.  The flowers are yours to take following the 10:30 am worship service. If you have questions please call the church office.


Afghans made in 2012

     Regular        Baby

Jan 5 0

Feb 10 2

Mar 4 3

April 10 2

June 5 1

Sept 3 4

Oct 5 3

Nov 6 7

Totals 48 22

Special Afghans – 2 for Rick & Sue Rintamaa

    1 for Jeff Gill

These were done by eight people in the "Happy Hooker Club". Thanks to everyone for their help by donating yarn. We could not do it without your help. God bless you all!


Notes From My Knapsack

          It has been a year of transitions, of changes, of adjustments major and minor.

We have today a significant date, numerically speaking, with 12-12-12, something we won't see again for a very long time; we've got coming up a date that marked a change in eras for the Mayan people on their calendar, with a 364 year cycle ending with a dozen of those cycles concluding on Dec. 21, 2012 to boot, which means . . . something. I forget what, and can't be bothered to look it up. Mayan elders say the world's not ending, and if they don't think that's what it means, then why worry about what some off-kilter modern Americans say?

For me, 2012 was the year for a major new beginning in my life. My son started high school. Oh, and I was called to be your pastor, that too! (Parents will understand the order I put them in.) Here at Newark Central, we've begun a number of new things, kept a bunch of traditions just the way they are, and made some shifts in what we're used to.

In other words, life. In all, life is going well here. And in all things, as it says in granite out near Mt. Vernon Road, "Christ the chief cornerstone" from Ephesians 2:20. We build out and up and remodel and refurbish and renew, but the cornerstone does not change, the benchmark remains the same.

We celebrate the birth of Jesus because in him we know where we come from, and where we are going; the promise of God-with-us, "Emmanuel" was fulfilled. The baby will grow, his story will unfold, yet God's purposes working through Jesus will not change, even as we understand those purposes in new ways with every passing day, and year.

Which is why I'm looking forward to 2013!

In grace & peace, Pastor Jeff


"God and Stuff" grades 7-12

     On Sunday, January 13 after the 10:30 service all youth in grades 7-12 will meet with Pastor Jeff and Samantha for lunch and enlightening conversation. Please bring money for lunch and your Bible.

Samantha (call office for number)


Calling all youth grades K-6….

On Sunday, January 13 all youth in grades K-6 will meet at the church from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm for a movie and games. Please bring a snack and a game to share with everyone. Until then get ready to have some winter fun!


Samantha (call office for number)


Do you hear it?

When we listen closely as we come to our Lord's Table of Communion we hear the pouring out of the cup which reverently brings us to the cross where Jesus poured out His blood for our salvation. O' listen and hear as we come to the Table of God's mercy and love….we are blessed.

A Listener



Joys and Concerns

·      Jim Green, June Betts, and Jean McDonald recovering at home

·      Ruth Bope additional complications

·      Edna Patton at Kindred (McMillen Drive, Newark)


Looking Ahead
December 16 - "Bringing the baby home, part 3",
                              Luke 3: 7-18

December 23 - "Bringing the baby home, part 4",
                              Luke 1: 46-55

December 24 – Candlelight Christmas Eve Service at 6:30

December 30 – "The Year in Review", II Chron 7: 12-22

January 6 – Youth Presentation "The Last Noel"


Daily Scripture Readings


Dec            12            1 Thessalonians 5: 14-18

            13            Ephesians 2: 4-10

            14            Matthew 1: 18-25

            15            Luke 2: 8-15

            16            Genesis 18: 1-14

            17            Romans 8: 35-39

            18            Exodus 33: 12-17

            19            Luke 6: 27-31

            20            Matthew 6: 9-13

            21            Luke 1: 26-33

            22            Deuteronomy 11: 13-21

            23            John 1: 9-14

            24            1 John 1: 1-7

            25            John 1: 35-41

            26            Matthew 6: 19-21

            27            1 Peter 1: 23-25

            28            Ephesians 1: 11-14

            29            Romans 8: 22-30

            30            Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8

            31            Luke 4: 16-21

Jan            1            Psalm 119: 1-8

            2            Jeremiah 29: 1-7

            3            Revelation 2: 1-7

            4            1 Kings 17: 17-23           

(Taken from The Upper Room)


Please note....

     ….home communion for shut-ins will be served on Sunday, Dec. 16.


Braden Scholarship recipients…

Thank you so much for the generous gift to help me achieve my education goals. The body of Christ is such an encouraging thing to see when it is truly being the hands and feet of Christ! You all have blessed me more than you will know! Thank you for shining the light of Christ! This gift will aid in my future of teaching for the glory of God! With much love in Christ, Abbey Medley

I have just finished my second to last semester at Boyce Bible College in Louisville, KY in the Biblical Counseling program. Your generous gift has helped pay for this past semester and your kindness has certainly been a tremendous blessing to me. I am grateful to the Lord for the Braden Family Scholarship and am honored to be a recipient of such generosity! Thank you, Amber Walsh


The words "Thank You" cannot express my true gratitude for the opportunities which your assistance has opened up for me. Thanks to your contribution toward my educational goals, I will be able to focus on excellence more than necessity. Hoping my success will reflect brightly upon your generosity. Sincerely, Amber Coon


I would like to thank you for the scholarship that I received from your church for this school year. I attend Boyce College in Louisville, Kentucky, and I'm currently studying Biblical Counseling. This year and a half that I've been here, the Lord has been so gracious and kind to teach me so many things. I am very grateful for the blessing and privilege that it is to study here. Part of the reason that I am here is because of the kindness that has been shown to me through Central Christian Church. I am very thankful for the gift of money that I have received from your fellowship over the past year and a half. The money that you have given has been put to my tuition and has helped me greatly over my college career. Through your giving, I am able to stay here at Boyce and learn more about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! From the bottom of my heart, thank you. In Christ, Nathaniel Walsh


From a Van Horn Seminarian…

I want to say a very sincere and grateful thank you for your generous gift. The monies I received will help me move through my final year of seminary without financial worries, which is a great blessing to me and my family. Your support of students, not just me, has a positive effect in so many lives. Thank you again! Blessings, Julie Cory




Monday, December 10, 2012

Knapsack 12-12

Notes from my Knapsack – Newark Central 12-12-12

Jeff Gill


It has been a year of transitions, of changes, of adjustments major and minor.


We have today a significant date, numerically speaking, with 12-12-12, something we won't see again for a very long time; we've got coming up a date that marked a change in eras for the Mayan people on their calendar, with a 364 year cycle ending with a dozen of those cycles concluding on Dec. 21, 2012 to boot, which means . . . something. I forget what, and can't be bothered to look it up. Mayan elders say the world's not ending, and if they don't think that's what it means, then why worry about what some off-kilter modern Americans say?


For me, 2012 was the year for a major new beginning in my life. My son started high school. Oh, and I was called to be your pastor, that too! (Parents will understand the order I put them in.) Here at Newark Central, we've begun a number of new things, kept a bunch of traditions just the way they are, and made some shifts in what we're used to.


In other words, life. In all, life is going well here. And in all things, as it says in granite out near Mt. Vernon Road, "Christ the chief cornerstone" from Ephesians 2:20. We build out and up and remodel and refurbish and renew, but the cornerstone does not change, the benchmark remains the same.


We celebrate the birth of Jesus because in him we know where we come from, and where we are going; the promise of God-with-us, "Emmanuel" was fulfilled. The baby will grow, his story will unfold, yet God's purposes working through Jesus will not change, even as we understand those purposes in new ways with every passing day, and year.


Which is why I'm looking forward to 2013!


In grace & peace, Pastor Jeff