Sunday, January 28, 2018

Faith Works 2-3-18

Faith Works 2-3-18

Jeff Gill


Stuff from the dunno-maybe file


Every so often, as life and work get busy, a hard working columnist goes to his idea file and looks at the bits and scraps he hasn't used yet to create a entire piece out of.


And reads through the recent string of notes and asks: is there a full idea here worth developing?


Idea: Carey Nieuwhof talks about how there are pop-up restaurants and pop-up theatre performances going on in many corners of our culture – what about a pop-up church service?


Thought: while I get the general issue at hand with holding a "celebration of life" when someone has passed on, there still needs to be acknowledgement that the person has died. And it's hard. And some folks need to know it's okay to grieve. The happiness-industrial complex is hard at work telling everyone we need to be positive and upbeat and chipper, but sometimes you just need to be able to cry. Maybe a funeral isn't such a bad idea.


Quibble: when the music samples a piece that contains a riff from a theme with an echo from classical roots, isn't there something to be said about having a common base of knowledge about those older genres and forms?


Double quibble: are we really well served by having so darn many translations out on the market of the Holy Bible? I'm not arguing for going back to King James Version 1611 and nothing else, but 47 seems a bit much. I just don't know.


Inspiration: we talk so much about sunrise or sunset spiritual experiences, but have you ever watched the moon rise? It can be a stirring experience even in the middle of an afternoon.


Theological reflection: the whole gluten-free question when it comes to communion is both tough, and easy. I'm a Protestant, so the issues at hand aren't the same for me, but I understand the affirmation in liturgical churches for elements that are closer to what Jesus was talking about, with wheat ground and baked, grapes picked and crushed, ending up with the loaf and the cup. At the same time, why not a rice wafer or non-alcoholic juice? The discussion and understanding of the symbols can still be the same…


Idea: why not learn and grow from each other as churches, not by doing a pulpit exchange where the preacher alone goes from one place to visit the other, but a congregational exchange? The preacher and music team stay put, but the worshipers en masse rotate between two facilities. I think there's a great many things that might be learned that way, starting with everyone not having "their" seat in the worship center!


Thought: as someone who is deeply versed in the language and culture of events thousands of years ago, I am so over "Breaking News." I mean, seriously.


Meditation: listening to sports stars or recording artists thanking God or Jesus or however they choose to acknowledge their higher power when they've won, some of which sound more sincere than others, but how would I really know? The fact is they could just thanks agents and managers and family, but they chose to add or even lead with that word of thanks. I should just appreciate it more than I do, but I can't help hearing some special pleading there.


Further meditation, same theme: it would be very instructive to ask the losers, the second place finishers, the other nominees, to give speeches. How many of them would have something to say about the Lord then, and what would it sound like?


Inspiration: people who email me just to say something in a column spoke to them. Letting readers know how much I do appreciate it, even if my answers to emails tend to be very short. (Note: you can't do this as a column, it will sound like you're fishing for compliments.)


Column idea: extended essay on how and why and when we fish for compliments in everyday conversation, in life in general, at work, even with those we love.


Ongoing note: how are the social transformations of a cashless society, autonomous cars, delivery at home, and "streaming everything" going to impact corporate worship and congregational life?



Jeff Gill is a writer, storyteller, and pastor in Licking County; he has a large backlog of half-baked ideas which he tries to not inflict on you until they're mostly-baked. Tell him your column ideas at or follow @Knapsack on Twitter.    

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