Sunday, June 30, 2019

Faith Works 7-6-19

Faith Works 7-6-19

Jeff Gill


Faith, family, and friendships



In the last two weeks I wrote here about Sunday school, Vacation Bible School (or VBS), and Christian education in general, as well as how these initiatives developed into the church camp and conference program.


And candidly, how these are all struggling, in terms of sheer numbers participating, and as a consequence their financial stability is being challenged.


The youth programming marketplace, which churches had largely to themselves just two generations ago, now has major competition – especially in the summertime.


What's a parent to do then? How does a family make good choices, even if for next summer (not that it's too late for this one), about summer experiences and education in faith in general?


I sincerely believe it begins with something I'd call "intentional faith formation" – asking the question with intention and specificity "what do you want your children to know?"


If you just say "I want my kids to do good stuff" you're likely to end up down a variety of cul-de-sacs. Good for what? Stuff that leads them where? If you spend some time in prayer and reflection asking, out loud, "what is it I intend for my child to learn more about?" you are likely to end up with answers you should attend to.


Is it about Bible knowledge and content? Or are you more interested in passing along the outlines of the faith and doctrine of your religious tradition? And not by contrast, but alongside of those sorts of "head" matters, what about the "heart" areas of service and community?


This is what church camp has done without us having to think about the details, as pastors and parents alike. Today with so many opportunities for niche programming events and themed activities, it might be important to consider the baseline matters you're hoping to present to your youth.


It's also a good idea to ask these questions for yourselves. Are you studying and learning about your faith? Well, then, your youth are likely to emulate your own behavioral modeling. If you are putting in time to study and reflect, it's no guarantee but it's a major support for the youth you care about for them to see you doing the same.


What is closer to a guarantee is that if you don't spend any time on your own discipleship, the young people around you are much less likely to themselves.


For myself, spirituality always carries a need for a connection to the outdoors, to nature and the growing world around us. So many of Jesus' parables are about plants and birds and crops and weeds, of country roads and farm labor and what grows where. Knowing the Book of Nature helps us understand the Holy Book; a person young or old who only knows the indoors is going to struggle more with interpretation of scripture.


And if I were advising anyone on Christian education I'd ask if your intentional faith formation included work on relationships and friendships – do your children or church young people get a chance to interact with elders, senior citizens both inside your church and beyond it, from assisted living to the house next door. I've written before about my regard for Jean Vanier who passed away recently; his establishment of L'Arche was a piece of intentional faith formation for his own soul's good, learning how to live and work with people who have developmental disabilities. In so many ways, we need to keep asking beyond the comfortable church circles we roll around within about how we are in relationship to others, to "The Other"; faith in my reading of the Bible is very much entwined with learning how to live in community with people different than those they already know – whether that's racial, ethnic, or cultural differences.


My default assumptions for a very long time have been that long term, residential Christian community outside of the church walls is an idea place for improving your faith development. Which is a fancy way of saying "go to church camp." I'm going to keep promoting such experiences, but if camp is going to become less common an opportunity, then we all need to think very intentionally about how else we can deliver such faith forming contexts.


Jeff Gill is a writer, storyteller, and pastor in Licking County; he's learned much at camp and not just about faith. Tell him what you want to pass along to succeeding generations at, or follow @Knapsack on Twitter. 

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